About Me
High School Diploma in Film Making
My name is Guðrún Birna Pétursdóttir and I am 22 years old and from Iceland. I have been interested in filmmaking since I was a child, so when it came to choosing a main interest in high school there was no doubt that I wanted to pursue filmmaking. I graduated from Borgarholtsskóli High School in June 2020 with a high school diploma in Film Making where I got the highest grade in my class, in total 9,13. Most of the filmmaking classes revolved around live broadcasting, but our final project was a short film. My short film is accessible on the Projects page.

Freelancer at The Icelandic National Broadcasting Station
I Have been working as a freelancer at the Icelandic National Broadcasting Station for over two years. I have taken on projects like producing a TV show for the kid's channel, video editing, redesigning music cue sheets for TV broadcasting, and stage manager at live events. My work for the Icelandic National Broadcasting Station is located on the Projects page.

Bachelor's Degree in Creative Industries
In June 2023 I graduated from Bifröst University with a bachelor's degree in Creative Industries. The main motive for the Creative Industry study at Bifröst is for example to prepare students to be able to have their own company, be project managers, work as producers, agents, publishers, curators, artistic directors, managers, entrepreneurs, and pioneers in the various cultural and intellectual branches that are united under the definition of creative industries. My BA thesis focused on how female directors experience the Icelandic filmmaking industry and whether they feel like they have the same amount of trust and opportunities as male directors. My final grade was 8,5.

Graphic Design Went From a Passion to a Part Time Job
The Autumn of 2023 has been eventful as I have been working as a graphic designer freelancer for two book publishing companies, Króníka and Bjartur & Veröld. I have five designs for my first book publishing season, four that I completely designed (the whole dust jacket), and one look-alike Polaroid picture that is engraved on the cover.
This development has been really fun for me as I have had a passion for graphic design for many years. By helping musicians to design their album covers for free I got the skills that I needed to perform well in the graphic design field. You can find more information about my graphic design work here.